Introducing Logan James Thompson. Born March 13th, 2006 at 1:32 p.m. in Denver Colorado. He weighed 7lbs 20z and was 19.5 inches long.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

These pictures are a little out of order but we took at trip to AZ for Thanksgiving and we rode on the Grand Canyon Railway from Williams, AZ to the Grand Canyon. Logan was fascinated with the trains that he saw.

Logan and Daddy waiting for the tree lighting in Williams, AZ....a very very cold night.

Thanksgiving 2007! and trip to the Grand Canyon.

Christmas 2007!
Logan and his cousins on their new trikes from Grandma and Grandpa.

Logan is checking out Grandma and Grandpa's exercise equipment.

Christmas 2007! Here is Logan with his Big Digger Front Loader Tracker. He loves to play with Tractors, Trains, and anything Diego!

Christmas was lots of fun this year! Logan is now old enough to rip open the presents and get into everything!

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to post. We have been through some changes in our lives that have kept us busy...and then the holidays came...We moved to VA at the end of October and are enjoying living in the DC area. In the picture above Logan was out during our first snowfall and I think it was around the beginning of December. He is 20 months in this photo. How time is passing.