Introducing Logan James Thompson. Born March 13th, 2006 at 1:32 p.m. in Denver Colorado. He weighed 7lbs 20z and was 19.5 inches long.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Here he is at 17 1/2 weeks. We are pretty sure its a boy!

Here is our new addition at 10 weeks. He is due around December 28th.

Friday, July 24, 2009

They're just strolling down the lane.

Some more pictures of Brady and Logan taken by Kile.

Logan also has fun this summer spending time with his cousin Brady. He got to see his Nana, Papa, Uncle Jamey, and Aunt Lura

Logan loves to hold his cousins Landon and Zachary. He enjoyed spending some time with this in July even through it was around 115 degrees outside in Arizona :-)

He loved meeting his cousins for the first time. He always wanted to "help" out :-) Logan is feeding Zachary.

Logan had a wonderful 3rd birthday! He loves to tell everyone about his Spiderman party. He is growing up too fast. He was so glad that Grandpa and Grandma came to celebrate with him!